Democrat Nashville Sheriff Daron Hall Endorses Democrat Senate Candidate Phil Bredesen As Crime in City Increases

Phil Bredesen, Darron Hall

In yet another display of the partisan support that Phil Bredesen, Democratic Party nominee for the U.S. Senate, has generated, Nashville’s Democrat Sheriff Daron Hall has tweeted his endorsement of his party’s nominee.

Davidson County, where Hall recently won reelection in August, was carried by Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a 60-34% margin while Trump carried the entire state by a 61-35% margin. Davidson County was one of only three of Tennessee’s 95 counties to vote for Clinton over Trump.

Tennessee Star political editor Steve Gill points out that a Democrat elected official in what is arguably the most heavily Democratic county in the state, other than Memphis/Shelby County, endorsing a Democrat is not exactly a “profile in courage.” Phil Bredesen is former Mayor of Nashville and should carry it handily so the impact of the Hall tweet outside the county lines will be limited, Gill adds.

“As Tennesseans see the violent crime rate in Nashville continue to spiral out of control, and with even more murders happening just this weekend and the city on pace to record levels,” Gill says, “the support of Nashville’s law enforcement leadership is not likely to produce a strong voter shift towards embracing their judgement and expertise.”

Voters concerned about the safety and security of their families and communities are probably not looking to former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, current Mayor David Briley, embattled Police Chief Steve Anderson or Sheriff Daron Hall for guidance, Gill says. “The leadership that is making Nashville streets seem more and more like Chicago is probably not going to be the path Tennesseans choose to follow.”

Though he was personally recruited to run for the U.S. Senate in Tennessee by the highly partisan far left Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), has received financial support from far left Democrat lobbyists who have held fundraisers for him in Washington, D.C., has failed to disavow the vulgar comments of the Tennessee Democrat State Party spokesperson Mark Brown, who infamously stated ‘F*** reaching out to Trump voters,” and recently held a fundraiser in Nashville with Bernie Sanders supporting entertainer Ben Folds and left wing entertainer Jason Isbell, who condemned Christians who supported President Trump, Bredesen has attempted throughout his campaign to maintain the fiction that he will not tow the line of Schumer’s anti-Trump agenda if elected.

Sheriff Hall’s announcement of his endorsement for Bredesen on Friday only further clarifies the extent to which Bredesen is in the anti-Trump camp.

As The Tennessee Star reported last year, Sheriff Hall made a point of refusing to join with other sheriffs who met with President Trump in the White House in January 2017:

Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall made headlines this week when he refused to meet with President Trump.

Last week, however, he made time to meet with local musician Billy Dawson. It was unclear what important Davidson County law enforcement matter the two discussed.

Sheriff Hall has been a critic of President Trump and his policies, particularly as they related to border security and controlling illegal immigration,from the be, as WKRN reported in February 2017:

Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall declined an invitation to meet with President Donald Trump at the White House.

The sheriff would have been one of about a dozen sheriffs that met with the president on Tuesday morning.

Sheriff Hall, a Democrat, is in Washington D.C. attending the National Sheriff’s Association’s Winter Conference. The group’s executive committee, of which Hall is a member, was invited to meet with the president as part of a listening session.

“A spokesperson for Sheriff Hall said he was one of only three Democrats invited to the meeting and the only Democrat to not attend,” WKRN reported.

“After attending a briefing with the executive committee yesterday about topics and the meeting with President Trump, I became concerned the meeting was going to be supportive of issues – such as the Executive Order regarding immigration – and others, and made the decision not to go,” Sheriff Hall explained in a statement released  to WKRN

Hall’s endorsement of the former Mayor of Nashville and former Governor of Tennessee is yet another indication that Phil Bredesen is gathering support from those who oppose President Trump’s agenda because they know he also opposes it.

Bredesen’s Republican opponent in the November election, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) took full advantage of her rival’s long history of support from anti-Trump Democrats.

“He’s Chuck Schumer’s number one recruit,” she said of Bredesen at a campaign event in Adams, Tennessee on Friday.





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6 Thoughts to “Democrat Nashville Sheriff Daron Hall Endorses Democrat Senate Candidate Phil Bredesen As Crime in City Increases”

  1. Traditional Thinker

    Hey sheriff idiot, guess what, it’s the liberal morons like possum Phil who encourages violence and pampers criminals in the first place. If you’d pull your head out of Phil’s rear, you might see the light of day. But unlike you, I won’t hold my breath.

  2. Randall

    Last time I’ll vote for Hall.

  3. Tom

    Birds of a feather—–(buzzards)

  4. paulJ

    Hall was worried with the election of left-wing loon Megan Barry and the editorial force of Bill Freeman’s Nashville Scene influencing the sheeple of Nashville that his perch as Sheriff was threatened. Thus, the left-wing lurch to please the open borders/sanctuary city crowd. Gutless of him, but easily explained as a (successful) attempt on his part to prevent the left to run someone against him in 2018.

    I believe Hall’s son works for the Bredesen campaign? Pretty sure both Hall boys went to Montgomery Bell Academy, exhibiting the families strong sense of diversity.

  5. Rick

    Vote for Marsha. Just because people of the same party endorse each other what does that matter., no news here ! VOTE

  6. Donna Locke

    Daron Hall showed some sense years ago but lost it.

    Vote for law and order, people. Don’t vote for Democrats.
